Showing posts with label Tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tutorials. Show all posts

PES 2021 Modding Tutorial: How to Change Text Color

PES 2021 Modding Tutorial: How to Change Text Color

How to change the text color by SoulBallZ - In this tutorial, SoulBallZ will show you how to change the default text colors by editing the PES2021.exe in this tutorial.

You can change most of the text colors in the game with this tutorial. On the other hand, some of the text colors can only be changed by editing the bin files or the all.str file. You can use a different color code for each offset but is recommended that if you have more than one offset with the same color, you replace them all with the same color of your choice.

IMPORTANT Before you start editing, always make a backup copy of the PES2021.exe, so that you can restore the old file if something goes wrong!


Offset, Column, Row: Offset refers to the position within the file where data is located. The last digit of the offset refers to the column (0, 4, 8, C) where the block starts. For example, if the offset is 34CC74C, this means that the block starts in column C of row 34CC740.

Block, Colour Code, Transparency: Each block has 8 digits, the first 6 digits contain the color code, and the last 2 digits control the transparency of the color. 00 is completely transparent and FF is completely opaque.
100% = FF
90% = E6
80% = CC
70% = B3
60% = 99
50% = 80
40% = 66
30% = 4D
20% = 33
10% = 1A
0% = 00

Colour Line: The line below the colour code indicates the colour of the code, making it easier to find what you're looking for.

Text Outline Colour: The last colour code (1A0E24) is different from the others, it does not change the colour of the text, but the outline colour of the text.

PES 2021 Modding Tutorial: How to Change Text Color

Which offset changes what? Here is what SoulBallZ has found so far. If you find more, let me know and I'll add it to the list.

1. 34CC740 - 101010 - Dark Text (Almost Everywhere)
2. 34CC744 - FFFFFF - Sub Title (Gameplan, Standings, Select Team, Overall Rating)
10. 34CC764 - FFFFFF - Sub Title (Player Info, Manager Info, League Info)
18. 34CC784 - 101010 - ML - Team Role Effect (Basic Effect, Special Effect), Budget Report (Budget Names), Transfer Market News (Player Names)
26. 34CC7A4 - FFFFFF - Player Info (Inspire), Team Negotiations
34. 34CC7C4 - 101010 - Popup (Competition Names)
43. 34CC7E8 - FFFFFF - White Text (Almost Everywhere)
44. 34CC7EC - 101010 - Gameplan (Selected Player Name, Number and Ability Hexagon), League (Unselected Menu Text)
46. 34CC7F4 - 101010 - Popup (Unselected Text)
74. 34CC864 - 8E8E93 - ML - Standings, Followers, Offical Partners, Stadium and Date, News Content, Negotiations Sub Text, Messages Sub Text
75. 34CC868 - 00AA8C - Green Text (Tournament Draw Results)
77. 34CC870 - FFFFFF - Music Player (Artist and Song Name), Sub Info
78. 34CC874 - 00AA8C - Green Text Selection Colour
79. 34CC878 - 00AA8C - Green Text Selection Colour (AFC Champions League)
80. 34CC87C - 1A0E24 - Text Outline Colour (Controller Button Info)
Offsets and color codes are numbered, so we can refer to them by their number.

Editing the PES2021.exe
Open the PES2021.exe with any Hex Editor. I use HxD Hex Editor.
Go to Offset and replace the Colour Code with the colour of your choice.
Example: Go to 34CC740 and replace 101010 with FF0000.

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2021\PES2021.exe
  • Offset - Colour Code
  • 1. 34CC740 - 101010
  • 2. 34CC744 - FFFFFF
  • 3. 34CC748 - 004493
  • 4. 34CC74C - EF5B0C
  • 5. 34CC750 - 0050A6
  • 6. 34CC754 - 0AF0FF
  • 7. 34CC758 - 0AF0FF
  • 8. 34CC75C - 0AF0FF
  • 9. 34CC760 - FFFFFF
  • 10. 34CC764 - FFFFFF
  • 11. 34CC768 - 01F2A5
  • 12. 34CC76C - 01F2A5
  • 13. 34CC770 - 01F2A5
  • 14. 34CC774 - 01F2A5
  • 15. 34CC778 - 01F2A5
  • 16. 34CC77C - 01F2A5
  • 17. 34CC780 - FFFFFF
  • 18. 34CC784 - 101010
  • 19. 34CC788 - 00656C
  • 20. 34CC78C - 00656C
  • 21. 34CC790 - 00656C
  • 22. 34CC794 - 00656C
  • 23. 34CC798 - 00656C
  • 24. 34CC79C - 00656C
  • 25. 34CC7A0 - 101010
  • 26. 34CC7A4 - FFFFFF
  • 27. 34CC7A8 - 0AF0FF
  • 28. 34CC7AC - 0AF0FF
  • 29. 34CC7B0 - 0AF0FF
  • 30. 34CC7B4 - 0AF0FF
  • 31. 34CC7B8 - 0AF0FF
  • 32. 34CC7BC - 0AF0FF
  • 33. 34CC7C0 - FFFFFF
  • 34. 34CC7C4 - 101010
  • 35. 34CC7C8 - 00A3AD
  • 36. 34CC7CC - 00A3AD
  • 37. 34CC7D0 - 00A3AD
  • 38. 34CC7D4 - CC4747
  • 39. 34CC7D8 - CB435C
  • 40. 34CC7DC - BB641A
  • 41. 34CC7E0 - 101010
  • 42. 34CC7E4 - 707070
  • 43. 34CC7E8 - FFFFFF
  • 44. 34CC7EC - 101010
  • 45. 34CC7F0 - 761E25
  • 46. 34CC7F4 - 101010
  • 47. 34CC7F8 - 00FFC2
  • 48. 34CC7FC - AEFF00
  • 49. 34CC800 - FFB000
  • 50. 34CC804 - FF3B30
  • 51. 34CC808 - E59F01
  • 52. 34CC80C - D33D35
  • 53. 34CC810 - FFFFFF
  • 54. 34CC814 - 828282
  • 55. 34CC818 - 00A8FF
  • 56. 34CC81C - 00A8FF
  • 57. 34CC820 - 00A8FF
  • 58. 34CC824 - 00A8FF
  • 59. 34CC828 - 00A8FF
  • 60. 34CC82C - FF0000
  • 61. 34CC830 - FFFF00
  • 62. 34CC834 - FFFFFF
  • 63. 34CC838 - 00FF00
  • 64. 34CC83C - 0000FF
  • 65. 34CC840 - FF00FF
  • 66. 34CC844 - 00FFFF
  • 67. 34CC848 - 000000
  • 68. 34CC84C - FFBF00
  • 69. 34CC850 - 8C3A00
  • 70. 34CC854 - 00CCCA
  • 71. 34CC858 - 007FFF
  • 72. 34CC85C - 3C96F5
  • 73. 34CC860 - D21E1E
  • 74. 34CC864 - 8E8E93
  • 75. 34CC868 - 00AA8C
  • 76. 34CC86C - 00AA8C
  • 77. 34CC870 - FFFFFF
  • 78. 34CC874 - 00AA8C
  • 79. 34CC878 - 00AA8C
  • 80. 34CC87C - 1A0E24

You can see in the screenshots which offset changes what.
Dark Purple: 1. 34CC740 - 101010
Blue: 2. 34CC744 - FFFFFF
Orange: 10. 34CC764 - FFFFFF
Purple: 26. 34CC7A4 - FFFFFF
Lime: 43. 34CC7E8 - FFFFFF
Dark Orange: 44. 34CC7EC - 101010
Pink: 74. 34CC864 - 8E8E93
Red: 78. 34CC874 - 00AA8C

PES 2021 Tutorial
PES 2021 Modding Tutorial: How to Change Text Color

PES Modding Tutorials - HOW-TO by GRAND (Gerlamp)

PES Modding Tutorials - HOW-TO by GRAND (Gerlamp)

HOW-TO by GRAND (Gerlamp)

Included Tutorials
  • How to modify the Multipatch module for your patch
  • How to increase the number of clubs in the Premier League, and accordingly increase the number of matchdays in the schedule
  • How to change screen color before and after KONAMI Screen
  • How to change the league flag

How to modify the Multipatch module for your patch

Required programs:
any HEX Editor;
Microsoft Visuals or any other tool for editing lua files;

How to increase the number of clubs in the Premier League, and accordingly increase the number of matchdays in the schedule

Required programs:
any HEX Editor;
Cheat Engine;

Download "Tutorial add 4 clubs EPL"
Please wait ...
If the download didn't start automatically, click here

How to change screen color before and after KONAMI Screen

Required programs:
any HEX Editor;

How to change the league flag

Required programs:
Cheat Engine;

DOWNLOAD Cheat Engine Table

PES Modding Tutorials - HOW-TO by GRAND (Gerlamp)

How to convert faces from eFootball 2024/2023/2022 to PES 2021

How to convert faces from eFootball 2024/2023/2022 to PES 2021 a step by step guide made by Tradtrad100. Many thanks to UQIYA FACEMAKER for pioneering this method, please contact him for the conversion tools that contain the default SRM colourings, dummy ID folder as well as the blender file with the weights for the mesh data transfers.

Common issues and solutions:
Eyelids clip eyes when blink > Move eye models back using G+Y on keyboard 19:03
Hair is bouncy > vertex paint "Anim" vertex colour black for hair mesh 22:20
The face is bouncy > vertex paint "Anim" vertex colour black for headshell mesh 19:40
The face is grey in edit mode/game > relink + convert dds to ftex when exporting FPK 20:46
The eye blinking animation is wrong > The quick fix is to import vertex groups from eye_line to eye_lash and then from eye_lash to eye_occ, see a working face model in a new blender, and delete excess vertex groups from glitches face. Alternatively, you selected the wrong group when doing a weight transfer at around 9:47
Animation is still bad/wrong > Restart the face conversion process (you probably forgot to delete all vertex groups at the start or transferred weights incorrectly and they are conflicting with transferred groups from eFootball model)

Here is a playlist showing how to do all these steps as well as adding new players to your game and giving them minifaces.

Conversions steps in text format

Convert texture files, create trm from base, delete alpha channel, high pass filter = 3, level adjustment, middle input level 0.3
Create empty folder and add "ID" from UQIYA conversion tools, put converted textures into #windx11 folder, and rename ID to number of player
Open neck.blend
Import psk
Delete fmdl/skeleton lines
Line up face with (gz/gy) with neck, hide neck
Shade smooth
Rename psk mesh to id of face
Delete vertex groups
Rename maps
Remove vertex paint with shift K
In edit mode, deselect everything, assign eye model, select eye model, delete faces
Select oral and mouth, seperate by selection
Object mode, Mesh transfer, active UV, sample mouth for oral mesh, sample default face for head mesh
Check weight of meshes
Edit mode, partially select neck with c, esc, ctrl to select face/neck
Seperate by selection
Mesh transfer local from neck mesh to hair mesh
Rejoin meshes
Weight paint > smooth > All groups > bottom field 0.001
Weight paint > normalize all > all groups > lock active unticked
Seperate by material in edit mode
Join hair + hair transfer mesh if hair transfer mesh is present, lock sk_head vertex, delete unlocked groups, unlock head, assign weight 1 to sk_head vertex in edit mode
Join meshes
Delete everything but model
Copy to new blender file with fpk dummy
Delete fpk without deleting meshes, paste original psk over empty meshes
Seperate in edit mode by material
Join oral meshes
Rename meshes
Delete default textures and add PES 2021 textures
Rejoin meshes
Add fmdl material "face" to everything but hair meshes
Reset default enum on hair transfer (you can do this after reimporting fpk on next step if it doesn't let you do it here)
Export face, hair, and fpk
Reload fpk, mesh > smooth edges, fix eye position, delete unecessary UV Maps/Vertex Colours, for head remove all but UVMap, for headshell remove normal_map, for oral leave UVmap, for eye_lash and eye_occ leave UVMap, for eye_line remove vertex colours, for hair remove normal, for hair_transfer leave everything.
On the Anim vertex colour, vertex paint black for headshell and hair/hair transfer. Make sure Edit vertex colours are set to white. (fixes bouncy hair/face bug too)
Relink ID in addon and tick "convert dds to ftex"
Export fpk

eFootball 2023 Detailed Texture Replacement Tutorial

eFootball Detailed Texture Replacement Tutorial

eFootball Detailed Texture Replacement Tutorial incl. unlicensed teams' kits

This is a guide to texture replacement in eFootball. KONAMI will officially release an Edit Mode in the future, but only kits and logos will be fully editable in Edit Mode.


This tutorial will cover the entire process of texture replacement from start to finish, including all the important details that need to be considered, such as the Asset Settings in the Unreal Engine project.
In addition, changing kit settings such as the collar type, long sleeve type, etc. will also be part of the tutorial. It also covers the replacement of unlicensed teams' kits.


  • Windows 10
  • Unreal Engine 4.26.2 (Installation instructions are part of this tutorial)
  • Any Hex-Editor e.g. HxD
  • Epic Games Account
  • Storage: at least 50 GB of available space
  • Additional requirements are covered in the specific chapters of this tutorial.

Unreal Engine Installation:

Download the Epic Games Launcher here:
(skip this step if you already have the Epic Games Launcher installed)
Open the Epic Games Launcher and Sign In
Select "Unreal Engine" on the left panel and click on "Library" at the top
Click on the + next to "Engine Versions" and select 4.26.2
Click Install, proceed until the download starts, and wait until it's downloaded and installed.

Find Assets to replace:

The first step is to find the assets you want to replace. Use FModel or Umodel (UE Viewer) to do this.
In this tutorial, I will use FModel.
Installation instructions for it are as follows:
  1. Download here:
  2. Unzip the archive
  3. Launch the executable (FModel.exe)

Now find the asset(s) (location/folder structure) you want to replace:

Open FModel
Choose (add) the eFootball Installation Directory via "Directory" -> "Selector" at the top left
Add the AES Key of eFootball via "Directory -> AES (AES Key: 0x4552D45005DFE94964893F4925EC747D3D591401E060ED8B3D58BE5721C81295)
Select Loading Mode "All" in the Dropdown Menus in the Archives Tab
Pro Tip: Clicking the '>' symbol next to the folders will show everything inside a folder (double click works as well)
Go to PesConsole -> Content -> Assets
Now choose any texture file. In this example, I will use the texture files of the Arsenal Home Kit
(PesConsole -> Content -> Assets -> character -> Uniform -> License)
Use the search bar at the top to search for something. In my case, I use the Club ID of Arsenal (101) to find all texture assets with a "101" in the name.
For player Gamefaces and Leagues/Cups, you can search for the corresponding ID as well
For all textures related to the Arsenal Home shirt I can search for 101p1
(p1 for player1 = 1st/Home Kit, p2 for player2 = 2nd/Away Kit, etc., g1 for 1st GK = Goalkeeper Kit)
Double-click on an asset in the list to open a preview of the texture and the asset parameters
(If no preview is shown, the selected asset is not a texture asset)
If you want to save a texture as .png, right-click on it and select "Save Texture (.png)"
To close FModel, you must first copy/save the folder structure of the asset you want to replace. Right-click and choose "Copy -> Package Path" and paste it somewhere, e.g. Editor

Prepare the Unreal Engine Project:

Any mistake here will result in an unsuccessful attempt to replace a texture!
Start Unreal Engine (Version 4.26.2 | Executable Name: UE4Editor.exe)
Select "Games" under "New Project Categories" and click Next
Choose "Blank" and click Next
Select these Settings: Blueprint, Maximum Quality, Raytracing Disabled, Desktop / Console, No Starter Content
At the bottom select any project location (folder) and for the Name it must be "PesConsole"!
Click "Create Project"
At the top left menu select Edit -> Editor Preferences
Search for "allow chunk" in the Search Bar and set "Allow ChunkID Assignments" to true (tick the box)
Close Editor Preferences
At the top left menu select Edit -> Project Settings
Select "Packaging" under "Project" on the left panel and set "Use Pak File", "Use Io Store" and "Generate Chunks" to true
Close Project Settings

Import textures for replacement:

You need to recreate the exact (original) folder structure for the asset(s) you want to replace.
In this example, I replace the Arsenal Home Kit textures, so the following folder structure has to be recreated: PesConsole -> Content -> Assets -> Character -> Uniform -> License.
Don't create a folder called "PesConsole", this is the root folder of the project, determined by the project name and never visible in the project folder structure in the Unreal Editor's Content Browser. The Content folder is created automatically.
It's best to rename the textures you want to use as replacements before importing them into your project.
In the Content Browser, right-click on the Content folder and select 'New Folder': name it "Assets" and keep doing this with the respective folder names to recreate the original folder structure this way
Drag and Drop the textures (.png) you want to replace the originals with into the respective folder in the Content Browser

In my example, I select all new textures I want to use for the Arsenal Home kit in Windows Explorer and Drag and Drop them into the Unreal Engine Editor's Content Browser in PesConsole -> Content -> Assets -> character -> Uniform -> License
The name of each Asset file must be the exact name of the file you want to replace.
The next step is crucial to avoid blurry and pixelated textures in the game:
This is what happens with incorrect Asset Settings:
eFootball Modding Tutorial

Double-click on one of the imported textures to open it in a new window and edit the Asset Properties on the right. Do this for all imported assets.
The following table lists all the settings that need to be changed for all kit textures:
eFootball Detailed Texture Replacement Tutorial

Once the previous step is done, select all assets in the Content Browser, then right click, Asset Actions -> Assign to Chunk
Enter Chunk ID: 1
and click on Ok

When replacing kits, always replace the _Uni_N and _Uni_M files as well! If you don't have dedicated Normal Map and Metallic (Specular) Map (_N, _M) files, you can download these placeholders here:

Normal Map: Download
Metallic Map: Download

Remember, if you don't use Normal Maps and Metallic Maps that have been created specifically, correctly, and accurately for a particular kit, 3D effects, and reflections will not be realistic.

Optional but recommended additional step:
Do steps 1-4 for the original textures of the pc3607_console_win files. Obviously, don't re-import the original texture file of an asset you want to replace.

Package (Cook) Project to create .pak, .ucas, .utoc files, rename files and replace original eFootball files:

In the top left under File -> Pacakge Project -> Build Configuration -> Select "Shipping"
eFootball 2023 Modding

Now click on File -> Package Project -> Windows (64-Bit) and wait. This process will take some time.
Open the Project's Paks Folder in Windows Explorer (Default Location is C:\Users\<your user profile>\Documents\Unreal Projects\PesConsole\WindowsNoEditor\PesConsole\Content\Paks)
Rename the three "pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor" files to "pc3607_console_win"
You can use my script which will automatically delete any file named "pc3607_console_win" in the current folder if there is also a file named "pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor", and rename the "pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor" files to "pc3607_console_win".
Download my script here: Download
Move the RenameCookedFiles.bat to the Unreal Engine (PesConsole) Project's "Paks" Folder and run it.
Move the now renamed files (pc3607_console_win) into your eFootball installation directory in the "pak" folder and replace the original pc3607_console_win files
Finish! Start eFootball and see the changes in the game.

Change Kit Settings:

Download PES CPK TOOL here: Download
Download crifilesystem here: Download
Unpack all downloaded archives
Start PES CPK TOOL and drag and drop eFootball\cpk\dt200_console_all.cpk (in your eFootball installation directory) into the "Drag Folder(s) or CPK File(s)" box, then click Yes in the following pop-up window
Navigate to the dt200_console_all folder created in the same directory of the dt200_console_all file you unpacked in the previous step
In my example, I want to change the Arsenal Home kit, so I need to know the Club ID for Arsenal FC (101).
Navigate to "dt200_console_all\common\etc\uniform\team\101" and open 101_DEF_1st_realUni.bin in a Hex-Editor.
Change the second byte (zero-based numbering) to "3E" if you want to use the long sleeve area in the texture file
Change the 20th and 21st bytes (zero-based numbering) to your desired collar type
eFootball Detailed Texture Replacement Tutorial

Save the file and close the Hex-Editor
Open the unpacked crifilesystem folder and run the CpkFileBuilder.exe
Navigate to the dt200_console_all folder in Windows Explorer and Drag and Drop the "common" folder to the left site underneath "Files"
eFootball Detailed Texture Replacement Tutorial
Click on "Build CPK" and select your preferred file path with the file name "dt200_console_all.cpk"
Click on "Clean Build" and wait. This will take some time.
Copy the created dt200_console_all.cpk file to eFootball\cpk\dt200_console_all.cpk in your eFootball installation directory
Finish! Start eFootball and see the kit changes in the game.

Kit replacement for unlicensed teams (only OFFLINE):

Before we dive into this complex process, let's start with a few notes.

At least as many licensed clubs must be made unlicensed as the number of unlicensed clubs' kits you want to replace.

The kit settings bin file for real and fake team kits varies greatly in total size, byte content and therefore byte order. Here is an example of the file names for the same club with real and fake .bin files for the Home Shirt:
Fake: 101_DEF_1st.bin
Real: 101_DEF_1st_realUni.bin

Adding logos to teams that were originally unlicensed but have been changed to licensed by yourself will freeze the game when you try to navigate to the club in the club selection menu.
_f = fake, _r = real
eFootball Detailed Texture Replacement Tutorial

In this chapter, I will use Real Madrid as an example to show the process of replacing the kits of unlicensed teams.
eFootball Detailed Texture Replacement Tutorial

Do steps 1 and 2 of the "Change Kit Settings:" Chapter
Download eFootball Editor Tool Alpha Version here: Download
Unpack all downloaded archives
Open "C:\ProgramData\KONAMI\eFootball\ST\Download" for Steam Version or "C:\ProgramData\KONAMI\eFootball\MS\Download" for MS Store Version in Windows Explorer
Start PES CPK TOOL and drag and drop dt870_console_win.cpk (Steam Version) or dt870_console_wgd.cpk (MS Store Version) located in the directory opened in the previous step into the "Drag Folder(s) or CPK File(s)" box, then click Yes in the following pop-up window
Navigate to the dt870_console_win or dt870_console_wgd folder created in the same directory of the dt870_console_win or dt870_console_wgd file you unpacked in the previous step
Now navigate to common\etc and copy the "pesdb", "uniform" and "appearance" folders
In the PES CPK TOOL, drag and drop eFootball\cpk\dt200_console_all.cpk (in your eFootball installation directory) into the "Drag Folder(s) or CPK File(s)" box, then click Yes in the following pop-up window
Navigate to the dt200_console_all folder created in the same directory of the dt200_console_all file you unpacked in the previous step
Now navigate to common\etc and paste the copied folders "pesdb", "uniform" and "appearance"
Start eFootball Editor Tool
In the top left under File -> Open... -> Select the dt200_console_all.cpk folder (the one used in step 9) and click Ok
Click on the "Team & Coach" Tab and use the search function to find the team you want to change to licensed
Choose your desired club in the Team List and set "Team Lic." to true (tick the box)
Now do the previous two steps for a team you want (have) to change to unlicensed
Click on "Apply" under the search bar and in the top left click on File -> Save
Close eFootball Editor Tool
In the Unreal Engine Editor's PesConsole Project import/add the kit textures for a club you want to use as a placeholder for the kits.
In my example, I replace the Yokohama F. Marinos kits with Real Madrid kits.

Attention! Only import these textures (example: Yokohama F. Marinos | Club ID 152):
T_u0152p1_Uni_D, T_u0152p1_Uni_M, T_u0152p1_Uni_N, T_u0152p1_FontBack_D, T_u0152p1_FontChest_D, T_u0152p1_FontLeg_D, T_u0152p1_FontName_D

Never import the T_u0152p1_FontName_Ex_D, T_u0152p1_UniPantsEmblem_D, T_u0152p1_UniShirtEmblem_D, T_u0152p1_UniPantsEmblem_N, T_u0152p1_UniShirtEmblem_N files! This will crash the game!
Do steps 3 and 4 of the "Import textures for replacement:" Chapter
Do steps 1-5 of the "Package (Cook) Project to create .pak, .ucas, .utoc files, rename files and replace original eFootball files:" Chapter
Open the dt200_console_all" folder in WIndows Explorer (the one used in step 9)
Navigate to "dt200_console_all\common\etc\uniform\team and open a team folder of a licensed team
Copy the Home (1st), Away (2nd) and Goalkeeper 1 (GK1st) .bin files of a licensed team and paste them into the team folder of the club whose kits you want to replace.
In my example, copy the Arsenal FC kit settings .bin files and paste them into the 109 folder (Real Madrid Club ID = 109)
Open all three files in a Hex-Editor and do steps 7 and 8 of the "Change Kit Settings:" Chapter for each of them
Change the decoded text of bytes 77-80 (zero-based numbering) to the club ID of the club storing the kits, as a placeholder for the club whose kits you wish to replace. In my example Yokohama F. Marinos, so "0152". Do this for all three files.
eFootball Detailed Texture Replacement Tutorial

Save the file and close the Hex-Editor
Do steps 9-15 of the "Change Kit Settings:" Chapter
Block the network access for eFootball
You can use a netblock eFootball.exe/PesConsole-Shipping or deny access in your firewall settings/firewall control software.
Start eFootball and wait for the start screen.
Delete the Live-Update with the Y-Key
Finish! Go to team selection and see the kit changes in the game.

Tutorial made by Cadi Lillian
Donate on Ko-fi or Buy Me a Coffee

How To Add Players to PES 2021 From Official eFootball 2022/2023 Database

PES 2021 Database Tutorial

Here is a video tutorial created by tradtrad100 for anyone interested in learning how to add players to PES 2021 from the eFootball 2023 database.

Converting the database takes a little longer. Tradtrad100 does not intend to make a video on this, which is why he offered his conversion of the official eFootball 2023 database (as of 19/1/2023), but he is willing to answer certain questions.

Converting the player stats is also a bit of an art but the rule of thumb is to add +3/+5 on all stats. This works for all positions apart from goalkeepers who need +10/12.

There are slightly more accurate methods that Tradtrad100 does from memory but it is +5 on all stats and then +7 for offensive stats + physicals for ST or +5 for all stats and then +7 for defensive stats (including heading)+ physicals for CBs.

You can use this method to:
Add players with official ID
Give previous fake ID players a real ID
Import players from Konami's official database
Find IDs of players for mini faces
Fix corrupted EDIT files that won't load (depending on the source of corruption).

How To Add Players to PES 2021 From Official eFootball 2022/2023 Database Video Tutorial:
In addition to adding mini faces to players, this video demonstrates how to add players from the eFootball 2022/2023 database to PES 2021.

Here is the excel file of the player appearance database extracted from eFootball 2023 used in the video - download

PES 2021 Tutorial made by tradtrad100

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eFootball 22 Camera Settings Tutorial | Top 8 Best Camera Settings

eFootball 22 Camera Settings Tutorial

eFootball 2022 - TOP 8 BEST CAMERA SETTINGS (Most Realistic Broadcast) by Fujimarupes

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to get the best eFootball PES 2022 broadcast angles no matter what camera settings you prefer.

If you are struggling to find perfect camera settings in eFootball 22 but can't find the ideal settings to get the most realistic broadcast, we have a solution for you. Fujimarupes just posted a video on its YouTube channel that shows how to set the camera for a more realistic broadcast.

In his video, Fujimarupes shows us eight different camera settings for PES eFootball 2022 from which you can choose and you can even adjust them if you think it can be better than that.

Full Camera Settings Preview:

Camera Custom 3,0,10
The first version presented is the custom camera with zoom adjusted up to 3, height 0, and angle 10. 

In order to make a change to the custom camera, you need to start a new game then pause and press x to access the settings, then access the camera tab select Custom, and make the following settings: 
Zoom 3 - Height 0 - Angle 10

Dynamic Wide Custom 5,0
The second version is Dynamic Wide Custom with zoom 5, and height 0. 

To adjust start a new game then pause and press x to access the settings, then access the camera tab select Dynamic Wide, and make the following settings: 
Zoom 5 - Height 0

Fan View
For the third version just select Fan View from the camera settings without any adjustment. 

Start a new game then pause and press x to access the settings, then access the camera tab select Fan View

Camera Custom 10,3,10
The fourth version is the custom camera with a zoom and angle of 10 and a height of 3. 

When you're in a game, pause and press x to access the settings, then access the camera tab select Custom, and make the following settings: 
Zoom 10 - Height 3 - Angle 10

Live Broadcast
When you're in a game, pause, access the camera setting, and select Live Broadcast without any other adjustments.

Stadium Custom 10,0,10
For this custom stadium camera, you have to adjust zoom and angle to 10 and set the height to 0, to do that pause when you're in a game press x to access the settings, then access the camera tab select Stadium, and make the following settings: 
Zoom 10  - Height 0 - Angle 10

Stadium Custom 0,10,10
Here's another Custom Stadium camera this time with other angles zoom 0, height, and angle 10. 

Pause and press x to access the settings, then access the camera tab select Stadium, and make the following settings: 
Zoom 0  - Height 10 - Angle 10

Stadium Custom 5,0,10
And the eighth and last version is also a custom stadium camera with zoom 5, height 0, and angle 10.

When you're in a game, pause and hit x to enter the options, then pick Stadium from the camera tab and make the following changes:
Zoom 5 - Height 0 - Angle 10.

Credits: article tutorial by, camera settings by Fujimarupes

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Let us know the camera settings you used and any extra tweaks you made in the comments section below.

PES Face Relinking AIO Solution (Tutorial and Tools Provided)

How to Change Player ID / Relink Faces PES 2021 - PES 2018 Easy Version (Fix Grey Skin)

How to Change Player ID / Relink Faces PES 2021 - PES 2018 Easy Version (Fix Grey Skin) 

Blender is by far the best way to do any relinking. Fleishman has created a video that covers pretty much all the most common scenarios.

A video tutorial that shows you how to relink players ID in Pro Evolution Soccer created by Fleishman, in addition to the tutorial you can find and download for free all the necessary tools you need. All credits to Fleishman facemaker, both for tutorial and tools.

1. Straight relinking to new ID
2. Relinking and removing an extra texture folder
3. Common errors (nrm texture conversion issue and having windows browser open inside the face ID folder)

Credits: Fleishman - For more tutorials and info about face-making follow Fleishman YouTube Channel - click here

NOTE: Follow the steps in the video below to learn how to Change Player ID / Relink Faces PES 2021 - PES 2018. You can download all the tools by accessing the link below this video.


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How To Install PES 2021 - 2020 Faces (Sider / CPK) [PC]

How To Install Pes 2021 - 2020 Faces (Sider / CPK) [PC]

PES 2021 Tutorial - How to Install Faces (PC Only)

We always share faces (or face packs) but never shared a proper tutorial about installing faces to PES 2021 or any older version, so today we decided to share this video tutorial made by PES Edit in collaboration with us, a tutorial in which you can learn how to install new faces to PES 2021 and 2020 (PC Version) with sider or CPK.

You can find all the download links for the required tools in the video description or you can download them below.

Required Tools for Sider Install Method:
Sider 7 for PES 2021: click to download
Folder Structure Template: click to download

Required Tools for CPK Install Method:
Folder Structure Template: click to download
DpFileList Generator: click to download
CriPackedFileMaker: click to download

How to Install PES 2021 - 2020 Faces VIDEO TUTORIAL

For a better understanding we recommend you to watch the full video, and if you have any questions please leave a comment below or on PES Edit YouTube.

Subscribe to the PES Edit YouTube channel for more eFootball ProEvolution Soccer tutorials content Click Here to SUBSCRIBE

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How to Install Sider 7 for PES 2021 Season Update [PC]

In today's video, I'm going to be showing you a quick tutorial that will show you how to install Sider 7 for the PES 2021 Season Update PC version.

There are many tutorials available that will teach you how to install Sider 7, however, most of them will not show you how to do so correctly, that's because many of them are unaware that installing Sider 7 in the same folder as PES 2021 is not advised, this is due to the fact that each time Konami downloads a new update or DLC, these upgrades may destroy vital data, causing the Sider 7 to malfunction.

The creators of this tool strongly recommend installing the sider in a place where your Windows user account has full permissions, one of these standard locations: Desktop, Documents, or your home directory.

What is Sider 7
Sider is a helper program for Pro Evolution Soccer on PC. It allows for small tweaks - such as "free side-select" it also facilitates game mods, created by the modding community. The two main features are LiveCPK and the scripting engine, where you can write your own mods in the Lua programming language.

How To Use
Sider itself does not require Administrator privileges, you should run it under your regular account - the same one you would use to start the game without Sider.

The new method (preferred)
The new one-click way is enabled by default now and it is super easy: just run sider.exe, it will open a small window, then it will automatically launch the game itself, then the Sider application will exit, but the game will continue running with the sider.dll loaded into it.

How to Convert TED PES 2020 into PES 2021

How to Convert TED PES 2020 into PES 2021

Tutorial convert TED PES 2020 into PES 2021 by geniowe2002

Open a TED PES 2020 in save as PES 2021 TED
And check all the ID in case they have to change any

For example ID Marco Reus cannot in a DB PES 2021 and need to be changed for work in PES 2021
ID Marco Reus 45944 replace for an ID of Fake Player example 54365

When you convert an ID to hex it stays this way
B378 for Reus D45D for Fake Player

But for Konami to read it correctly you have to write for this way
First the last 2 numbers and last the 2 numbers

Reus example: 78B3 and add 0000

And Fake Player 45D4 and add 0000

Replace with HXD and encrypt with PES2021PS4Tools

Import a TED and ready for play

How to install stadiums in PES 2020

In this tutorial you will learn how to add new stadiums in PES 2020 with Sider and Stadium Server. The easiest way to install new stadiums in PES 2020 is to use Sider 6 and Stadium Server. With this method you can add an unlimited number of stadiums in the game and you can also select stadiums for certain competitions and teams. This tutorial was made by Andò12345.

How to convert stadiums from PES 2019 to PES 2020

PES 2019 to PES 2020 Stadium Convertor

Learn how to convert stadiums from older versions of the game, whether it's your favorite team stadium or a stadium that is not already in PES 2020. We will give you all tools download links so you don't have to search for them all over the internet, the only program we won't post is Photoshop CS6 just because this program is not available as a free download.

Here's what you need to do
Open the PES 2019 stadium folder you want to convert and delete the following folders: Stadium\Asset\model\bg\stxxx\light - Stadium\Asset\model\bg\stxxx\light
Delete all the referements about the written "pitch" in folder Stadium\Asset\model\bg\stxxx\sourceimages\tga\#windx11
Move the Asset folder of the stadium converter folder into your stadium folder
(If the id isn't 009 you have to change all the referements of 009 to your id)

Attention: changing over your PES 2019 stadiums with this instructional exercise, the stadiums won't be great and likely will have some little issues yet the quality is worthy. Another issue is that some stadiums couldn't work directly with this instructional exercise.

Here's how to fix flickering edge pitch or white edge pitch
First you need to download and install these programs:
Photoshop CS6
DDS Plug-In Download
CGPE V0.7 Download
After you have downloaded and installed all the programs open CGPE, go to tools/ftexconverter, go to convert ftex and select YourStadium\Asset\model\bg\st046\sourceimages\tga\#windx11\pitch_alp.ftex
Go to YourStadium\Asset\model\bg\st046\sourceimages\tga\#windx11\pitch_alp.ftex and you'll see, open it with Photoshop.

Resize with Photoshop where is violet and yellow until in-game the pitch won't have problems

Open CGPE, go to tools/ftexconverter, go to convert and select your new
Substitute the old pitch_alp.ftex with the new one

Download Stadium Converter

Andò12345 method creator
Chuny for researching
chosefs for some fixes
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