
PES 2021 Sider 7.1.4

PES 2021 Sider 7.1.4

PES 2021 Sider 7.1.4 by juce

Small update for Sider:

Sider 7.1.4
- fix for "home_team" and "edit_home_team" settings in lua context object
when the game is in Edit mode.

How to update your existing sider
Replace sider.dll with the new one. Keep all the rest of your existing files

How to Install: 
Move the folder that you just unpacked from the ZIP archive into a place, where your Windows user account has full permissions. I very strongly recommend using one of these standard locations: Desktop, Documents, or your home directory.

Starting with version 6.3, sider has no external dependencies, meaning that everything that sider requires is included in its folder. You do not need to install any additional software to be able to run sider. You must have at least Windows 7 64-bit or newer (Sider will not work on XP/Vista).

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is there any way i can fix a erro message that appears when i open sider?

    "PES21_Hook: Failed to init ThighBsmLoader"

    Before when opening Sider, the game would start automatically seconds after, but for some reason i have to open the game also manually

  3. I forgot there must be the writen " = "steam://rungameid/1259970" inside the .ini archieve

  4. is it possible to run sider as a linux user?

  5. hey.. have a dete to update Sider? version 7.1.4 not working after update Pes 21
    Thanks for all

    1. Sider works 100% after the update, just keep up to date with new mod updates for anything that crashes the game.

  6. .Juce please .. have a new version for Sider ? Pes have a new update for 7.1.2 and Sider 7.1.4 not working.. Stadiums balls boots pitch and my editions not working .. Please Save me!! rss

    1. For me, sider 7.1.4 works fine with it. Try disabling each lua.modules one by one by putting ; in front like this ;lua.module = "StadiumServer.lua" to see which module is causing the error

  7. G.Leroy thanks for this tips
    Eheh in test now
    With results i back here for this quest.
    Thanks and thanks

  8. Is there absolutely no way around it being on steam - if i just change the sider.text notepads file to a different location?

  9. I've tried 7.1.4 and 7.1.6 and when I try to boot the game through sider it says the game has stopped working. Its working fine when I load it normally. Help.

    1. If you are using hacked CPY (pirated game version) the sider it will not work

  10. Pes 2021 hook: Failed to init ThighBsmLoader setting pes FL2024, if not open sider and joysticks change mouse (R3), how i can fix it?


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