Showing posts with label eFootball 2025 Mods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eFootball 2025 Mods. Show all posts

eFootball 2025 Turf & Lut's Addon - BETA 2

eFootball 2025 Turf & Lut's Addon - BETA 2

Turf and Lut's addon. BETA version made for eFootball 2025 PC by Endo. The mod includes some minor changes to the game color palette, a new main turf texture has been added, and many other improvements to the game graphics.

Turf and lut's addon. BETA Features:
  • Added some minor changes to the game color palette.
  • Reduced color difference between gameplay and cutscenes.
  • New main turf texture has been added.
  • Improved field textures for some stadiums.

NOTES: The mod should be compatible with any mods.
It's recommended that starters use this mod with default Konami graphics. (I mean with no any graphic mods) Of course, you can use any graphic mods. But at least try to play a couple of games with default graphics. It should be a bit better.

How to Install:
For Steam version only!
Unpack and paste with replacing in to your game folder.
(Make a backup for replaced files)

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eFootball EFUltimate Reshade 4.0 by Toriga

PES 2021 EFUltimate Reshade 2.0 by Toriga

Introducing EFUltimate 4.0, a groundbreaking reshade for eFootball that takes your gaming experience to the next level! Developed by Toriga, this version significantly enhances graphics by directly modifying the Unreal Engine's settings, resulting in stunning visuals with minimal performance impact.

While reshade is still used for color adjustments, the new LUT (Look-Up Table) has been meticulously crafted to reflect realistic colors based on actual photographs, ensuring a consistent yet dynamic experience across different stadiums. 

Installation EFUltimate
1. Download the zip (under the link)
2. Place PesConsole in root of efootball (there are cpk and pak folders)

1. Place the file ini in \eFootball\eFootball\Binaries\Win64 where is the efootball.exe

1. Download reshade from the website (DOWNLOAD THE STANDARD, NO FULL ADDON SUPPORT)
2. Install reshade (Directx 11 and chose your efootball.exe located in \eFootball\eFootball\Binaries\Win64)
3. Install reshade through my ini ( to install the right effects )
4. Add -d3d12 as a parameter in the game executable on steam (Optional)
5. Open the game and if is not selected my preset, chose it
7. Enable Performance Mode if isn't
8. In reshade settings section general enable "Load only enabled effects"

How Update EFUltimate
1. Extract and replace new file with the olds.
2. Open the installation of reshade you downloaded the first time or again from the website
3. Choose efootball.exe, Directx 11 and Update reshade and effect through the new ini file.
4. In reshade settings section general enable "Load only enabled effects" and click "Clear effect cache"

Support Toriga with a donation:

EFUltimate is formed by a file for the rendering efultimate_GFX_P.pak (you find it in pesconsole folder) and a preset for reshade, if you dont like the colors of reshade, just edit it, disable the effect you dont like, do what you want, reshade is optional, efultimate_GFX_P.pak improve the graphic, reshade change the LUT (colors, brightness, and contrast).
EFUltimate is a mod that affects the rendering of the game, for this reason, you should not mix it with other similar mods, for example like the Bogo mod, or the Mody uniform mod (reading the info you will discover that it has some graphic patch), currently, you can mix it with endo's evomod by deleting the evomod_GFX_P graphic file

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eBoard by Mandbeyn - Custom Scoreboards & Replay Wipes (+ PS5 / Xbox Buttons) for eFootball v4.0.1

eBoard by Mandbeyn - Custom Scoreboards & Replay Wipes (+ PS5 / Xbox Buttons) for eFootball v4.0.1

Custom Scoreboards & Replay Wipes (+ PS5 / Xbox Buttons) eBoard made for eFootball 2025 v4.0.1 PC Games by Mandbeyn.

Explore Mandbeyn's latest eFootball 2025 mod that replaces the default blue and yellow scoreboard with sleek, real-life themed alternatives! Compatible with other mods and safe for online play, this mod also includes PS5 DualSense and Xbox button layouts for added customization. 

Featured Themes:
  • Dark Mode Theme (NEW!)
  • Light Mode Theme (NEW!)
  • World Cup 2022 Theme (NEW!)
  • Champions League Theme (NEW!)
  • Premier League Theme (NEW!)
  • LaLiga Theme (NEW!)
  • PS5 DualSense Controller Mod (NEW!)
  • Serie A Theme (NEW!)
  • Ligue 1 Theme (NEW!)
  • Süper Lig Theme (NEW!)

Note: Real logos and kits are not included—check out Evomod & ePatch 2024 for those!

Installation guide for users with No mods

Installation guide for users with ePatch & EvoMod

If you use the Microsoft Store version instead of Steam, try to do the following before installing the mod: Rename any pcXXXX_console_win files inside eBoard rar to pcXXXX_console_wgd and follow the steps above! (NOT TESTED!)


Dark Mode Theme (NEW!)
Scoreboard + UI + Replay Wipe + PS5 / Xbox Buttons

Light Mode Theme (NEW!)
Scoreboard + UI + Replay Wipe + PS5 / Xbox Buttons

World Cup 2022 Theme (NEW!)
Scoreboard + UI + Replay Wipe + PS5 / Xbox Buttons

Champions League Theme (NEW!)
Scoreboard + Replay Wipe + PS5 / Xbox Buttons

English Premier League Theme (NEW!)
Scoreboard + UI + Replay Wipe + PS5 / Xbox Buttons

LaLiga Theme (NEW!)
Scoreboard + UI + Replay Wipe + PS5 / Xbox Buttons

Serie A Theme (NEW!)
Scoreboard + UI + Replay Wipe + PS5 / Xbox Buttons

Ligue 1 Theme (NEW!)
Scoreboard + UI + Replay Wipe + PS5 / Xbox Buttons

Süper Lig Theme (NEW!)
Scoreboard + UI + Replay Wipe + PS5 / Xbox Buttons

PS5 DualSense Button Layout (NEW!)
No Scoreboard only PS5 buttons

eBoard by Mandbeyn 
G. Leroy ( / blog writer

Thanks to endo, MODY_99 & Cadi Lillian
Also Special Thanks to
rogerwilco19866 for World Cup 2022, Süper Lig 100. Year,
Bundesliga and Serie A Replay Wipes,
afandix for Champions League Replay Wipe ,
papijonnnn for European Qualifiers Replay Wipe,
GustiStereo for Euro 2024 Intro,
fdseven for Premier League Replay Wipe,
EDWARD7777 for LaLiga Replay Wipe and Euro 2024 Replay Wipe
klerry for Ligue 1 Replay Wipe,

eFootball 2025 steam - TV Logo Addon for eFootball!

eFootball 2025 steam - TV Logo Addon for eFootball!

New eFootball 2025 Mod: Add TV Logos for a Realistic Look by Boby1178

Boby1178 is working on a cool new mod for eFootball 2025 that lets you add TV logos to the game, making it feel more realistic. Using a tool called Reshade, he’s made it possible to switch between different logos, like the ones you see in real broadcasts, with just a keypress. It’s similar to a feature from PES 2021 and adds a fun, personal touch to your matches. 

The mod is still in progress, but you can check out some screenshots to see how it looks. What do you think of this idea?

List of logos that have been added

Boby1178, LeonardoBorges
G. Leroy ( / blog writer

Installation instructions
Download ReShade and download the latest version of ReShade
Run the ReShade installer click on "Browse" and look for the executable file of the game, usually named eFootball.exe.
ReShade will ask you to choose the graphics API. For eFootball, select DirectX 10/11/12.
ReShade will offer a list of effects to install. Select just the basic shaders.
Download my file called TVBroadcastLogos v0.1.
Select all the files inside the .rar copy and then go to the folder where eFootball.exe is installed. (steamapps\common\eFootball\eFootball\Binaries\Win64)
Paste the copied files here. If it asks to overwrite any files, confirm and proceed
Start the game. If ReShade was installed correctly, you should see a notification at the top of the screen.
Select the preset called TVBroadcastLogo.ini, through the reshade menu, which opens with the HOME key on your keyboard.
Use the INSERT and DELETE keys:
DELETE key: Press this key to enable or disable the ReShade overlay. This is useful when you are in the game menu, and you don't want to see the logo.
INSERT key: Press this key to switch between the different logos added with the preset. Currently, there are 8 logos available to rotate between.

Instructions for updating
Just download the latest version's file and paste it into the same folder. If it asks you to replace the files, click accept, and you're all set.

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eFootball 2025 Cutscenes Unlocker for Exhibition Mode

eFootball 2025 Cutscenes Unlocker for Exhibition Mode

eFootball Cutscenes Unlocker for exhibition mode | V1.0 (for 4.0.0/4.0.1)
made by Durandil PES

Presentation & Features:
This mod unlocks the entrance & pre-match cutscenes for exhibition mode.
4 versions of the mod are available:

Version 1: Full entrance for club teams (including line-up, pre-match photo, etc.)
Version 2: Shorter entrance for club teams
Version 3: Shorter entrance for club teams without line-up displayed
Version 4: Full entrance for national teams with anthems and line-up¹

How to use:
1. Unzip mod file into "Steam\steamapps\common\efootball\cpk"

2. Replace the original .cpk files with the version you choose from the unpacked folder.

This mod has been tested and is safe for use, it cannot cause any crashes.

However, it is only compatible with the 4.0.0 & 4.0.1 versions of eFootball and will need to be adapted for future updates.

Do not use this mod online, it may get you banned for unauthorized modification by Konami.

This mod is not compatible with other mods that affect the following files:

¹One minor issue for version 4: The away national anthem does not start.

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