
PES 2021 Stadionul Emil Alexandrescu

PES 2021 Stadionul Emil Alexandrescu

Stadionul Emil Alexandrescu the home ground of the Romanian football club FC Politehnica Iași made for eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 by Ianscott42.

Gents, about 12/13 years ago, I was contacted by user tynutsu who asked me to make a little stadium in Romania for his favourite team, Poli Iasi. I quite liked it and it was a challenge at the time as I didn't really have the skills for a curved stadium and the sponsor details were all pretty alien to me. I enjoyed making it and have now re-made it from scratch as I kept in touch with Poli Iasi's progress and have a soft spot for them. I recently contacted tynutsu and it seems he's still active from time to time and he now lives in Scotland - ianscott42

ID Info:
  • Stadium ID: 009
  • Team ID: Poli Iasi - Not In-Game

PES 2021 Stadionul Emil Alexandrescu

How to Install the Stadium:

Installing the PES 2021 Emil Alexandrescu Stadium mod is easy, and it only takes a few minutes. First, you'll need to download the stadium from the link below. Once you have the mod file, you'll need to extract it to your Stadium-Server folder ... sider\content \stadium-server

Open map_teams.txt with a text editor and copy this line inside map_teams.txt 
add team id here, 009, Stadionul Emil Alexandrescu, ROM-Emil Alexandrescu

Go to map_competitions.txt in your Stadium-Server folder then insert the following line:
0, 009, Stadionul Emil Alexandrescu, ROM-Emil Alexandrescu, , ,

Extract and copy the "ROM-Emil Alexandrescu" folder inside the Stadium-Server folder ...sider/content/stadium-server

PES 2021 Stadium made by Ianscott42
G. Leroy ( / blog writer

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  1. Hi mate was wondering if I could contact you with a request for a stadium, if not no worries

  2. Nice work. It would be great if you'd create the new Steaua-Ghencea stadium.

  3. Hey bro , nice your stadium!
    Please create Otelul Galati stadium from Romania


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