
PES 2021 ML & BAL Starting Year Changer [UPDATE V2.0]

PES 2021 ML & BAL Starting Year Changer

PES 2021 ML & BAL Starting Year Changer by DevPlays & zlac


  • Starting year is set to 2022 by default
  • Research/Clue provided by Either/OR
  • Memory address ported by DevPlays
  • Expanding the module to add overlay function and INI implementation by Zlac

Info & Download​

  • Expanded the module to add an overlay function
  • and INI implementation by Zlac
  • The package is attached below!​

V2.0, modified by Mohamed2746 (Unofficial Release)

Set contracts automatically based on chosen year (Note: loan contracts should be set in the external editor).
The ability to disable 1st transfer window.
Edit mode transfers (loan contracts are ignored when used).
Fix crashes (since contracts are assigned correctly).
Support FL (Testing, I don't have the game).

How to Install:

1. Extract the .7z package attached below.
2. Copy the lua module and INI file to the modules folder of the Sider.
3. Add the below entry inside sider.ini:
lua.module = "StartingYearChanger.lua" code-box

For changing the starting year within the game, just click Spacebar to open up the Sider GUI/Overlay, then press 1 to toggle over to the Starting Year Changer overlay/screen, then simply move the year up or down as per your preference. 

Download "Starting Year Changer V2"
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Credits: DevPlays, Juce for the Sider tool, Durandil67 for his LUA memory hex address mapping demo, Either/OR for the research, Zlac for expanding the module to add overlay function and INI implementation 
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  1. If, for example, you set the year 2023. They are called immediately to the national team at the beginning of the season and when the first two matches of the national teams, most of the players become free agents and leave the clubs, and there are completely different players in the clubs...I don't know why that is. I checked in Become a Legend.

    1. By default they are a lot of players with a contract that expires in 2023, so when you change the starting year you set exactly the year when the player's contracts expire. To fix that you need to edit the players' contract expiration date.

  2. Hello, do you have a file that modifies the number of changes in the cups or in what would be ML and BAL, since there are only 3 changes and if you don't have it, it would be great if you could create it, thanks.


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