
PES 2021 Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka (Hiratsuka)

PES 2021 Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka

Hey there, sports fans! If you're a fan of eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021, then you're probably always on the lookout for exciting new stadiums to play in. Well, have you heard of Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka? It's a stadium that was made specifically for the game by a talented PES Editor named muham_istau.

Located in Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan, Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka is a really versatile stadium that can be used for all kinds of sports events. But it's primarily known for hosting football matches, and it's actually the home stadium of the Shonan Bellmare team.

If you're looking for a great stadium to play in on eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021, Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka is definitely worth checking out. The design is really top-notch, and you'll feel like you're actually there in person when you're playing on it.

So why not give it a try and see what you think? Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka is sure to provide you with hours of fun and excitement.

ID Info:
  • Stadium ID: 009
  • Team ID: 165 (real ID) - Shonan Bellmare

How to Install the Stadium:

Installing the Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka mod is easy, and it only takes a few minutes. First, you'll need to download the stadium from the link below. Once you have the mod file, you'll need to extract it to your Stadium-Server folder 
... sider\content \stadium-server

Open map_teams.txt with a text editor and copy this line inside map_teams.txt 
165, 009, Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka, Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka # Shonan Bellmare code-box

Go to map_competitions.txt in your Stadium-Server folder then insert the following line:
0, 009, Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka, Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka, , , code-box

Extract and copy the "Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka" folder inside the Stadium-Server folder ...sider/content/stadium-server

Once you are in-game you can select the stadium via manual selection by pressing number 9 and navigating to the stadium.

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Credits: Stadium made by muham_istau, blog writer G. Leroy (

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