the new stadium has been created by Drogond, a talented artist and designer who is known for creating incredibly detailed and realistic stadiums for Pro Evolution Soccer. Drogond has worked tirelessly to make sure that the Stade du 28 Septembre looks and feels just like the real thing, right down to the smallest details.
ID Info:
- Stadium ID: 009
- Team ID: 1059 Guinea NT (real ID)
How to Install the Stadium:
Installing the GUI - Stade du 28 Septembre stadium mod is easy, and it only takes a few minutes. First, you'll need to download the stadium from the link below. Once you have the mod file, you'll need to extract it to your Stadium-Server folder
... sider\content \stadium-server
Open map_teams.txt with a text editor and copy this line inside map_teams.txt
Go to map_competitions.txt in your Stadium-Server folder then insert the following line:
Extract and copy the "GUI - Stade du 28 Septembre" folder inside the Stadium-Server folder ...sider/content/stadium-server
Once you are in-game you can select the stadium via manual selection by pressing number 9 and navigating to the stadium.
Download "Stade du 28 Septembre"
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Credits: Stadium convert by Drogond, original model made by Dinei
Blog post text writer G. Leroy ( © all rights reserved, if you copy our blog post put a link back to our website
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