New (Sider Module) Cursor Server Ver.01 made by moukos13 for eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 PC. This mod changes the cursor and force bar depending on the tournament you play. (The objective cursor does not work).
The livecpk folder contains different models -target cursors- the -target cursor shadow - is activated by default. You just have to choose (target folder) the one you like best and place it at this address:
- livecpk\cursor\Asset\model\game2d\ < here >
Different head cursor and force bar models have been added inside the <cursor model> folder so you can add your taste to the different tournaments by overwriting the predefined files that the mod brings.
How to Install:
Unrar and copy the "content" "livecpk" and "modules" folders to your sider folder.
-content / CursorServer
-modules / CursorServer.lua
-livecpk / cursorTarget
Open sider.ini with any text editor and add the following lines:
lua.module = "CursorServer.lua" code-box
author lua: (Deltoon, 2018 /edited script: Hawke, 2018/modified script: guorfan, 2020)
cursorserver graphic mod editor: moukos13
Adapt lua for mod: jemp
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