
PES 2021 Central Tajikistan Stadium (Tajikistan)

PES 2021 Central Tajikistan Stadium (Tajikistan)

Drogond has unveiled a brand-new stadium for eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2020–2021 called Central Tajikistan Stadium, also known as Markazii Tojikiston Stadium or Pamir Stadium, the home field of CSKA Pamir Dushanbe and Istiqlol Dushanbe, as well as the national football team of Tajikistan.

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Central Tajikistan Stadium (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)
ID Stadium: 009
ID Team: 1036 (Tajikistan National Team - SP football life 2023 ID)
Autor: Dinei

How to Install:
Extract PES Stadium with WinRAR and copy it to the Stadium-Server folder
... \content \stadium-server

Open map_teams.txt with a text editor and copy this line inside map_teams.txt 
1036, 009, Pamir Stadium, Pamir Stadium # Tajikistan code-box

Go to map_competitions.txt in your Stadium-Server folder then insert the following line:
0, 009, Pamir Stadium, Pamir Stadium, , ,​code-box

Extract and copy the "Pamir Stadium" folder inside the Stadium-Server folder ...sider/content/stadium-server

Once you are in-game you can select the stadium via manual selection by pressing number 9 and navigating to the stadium.

Stadium model by Dinei, adapted to PES 2021 by Drogond, blog post by

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