New high detailed main turf texture
New normal map and specular mask
New color filter (authentic KONAMI PES 2016 PS4 palette)
more bumps and new pitch details
NOT FOR STADIUM-SERVER only for KONAMI stadiums!!!
Unrar and copy turfs folder to sider\livecpk folder
Add this line to your sider.ini, cpk.root = ".\livecpk\turfs"
Recommend to use a GFX lod module by nesa24
in max lod values !
eTurf Super-Global v1 beta1 updated, some bugs fixed, added support for some stadiums. A new version of turf created by Endo, an attempt to create a universal turf mod for all stadiums of stadium server optimized for various stadium authors. This version is only for stadium server but work fine together with eTurf v2.0 (live cpk version) may contain different bugs it's need to test.
password: pes2020evoweb
Credits to:
superleeds1 for help & support & testing, Trokut for fresh ideas, juce and nesa24 for fantastic tool sider, vangheljs for Elland Road, shawminator for Pes_Explorer, zlac for Stadium Server, and all EvoWeb community for support!
Add this line to your sider.ini, cpk.root = ".\livecpk\turfs"
in max lod values !
eTurf Super-Global v1 beta1 updated, some bugs fixed, added support for some stadiums. A new version of turf created by Endo, an attempt to create a universal turf mod for all stadiums of stadium server optimized for various stadium authors. This version is only for stadium server but work fine together with eTurf v2.0 (live cpk version) may contain different bugs it's need to test.
How to install:
just put Super-Global folder in your main stadium server folder,it needs no map
just put Super-Global folder in your main stadium server folder,it needs no map
eTurf Super-Global v1.0 beta 1
superleeds1 for help & support & testing, Trokut for fresh ideas, juce and nesa24 for fantastic tool sider, vangheljs for Elland Road, shawminator for Pes_Explorer, zlac for Stadium Server, and all EvoWeb community for support!