
eFootball 2022/2023 Player Data Editor Beta V4.1

eFootball 2022/2023 Player Data Editor Beta V4.1

This tool provides players with the ability to customize several features such as general edits to player information like age, height, weight, and nationality, as well as the ability to edit player abilities, skills, AI playing styles, playable position, and registered position.

The eFootball 2022/2023 Player Data Editor V4.1 has been updated to fix player data corruption. With the updated fix for player data corruption, players can confidently make changes to their player data without fear of losing their progress.

eFootball 2022/2023 Player Data Editor V4.1 Fix Notes:

*Fixed player data corruption.

General Edits: Age, Height, Weight Nationality, etc...
Player Skills
AI Playing Styles
Playable Position
Registered Position

1: Always back up your file.
2: The tool is using Obfuscator Tool to protect the code. If your antivirus detects the file, it's a false detection.
3: Overall Rating: There are differences in value from 1-10
4: Playerlist: When you are on the player list, if you right-click and open the appearance editor, when the file is uploaded, it selects that player.
5: Appearance Editor: For excel and CSV Value between 7 and 14 is positive, the Value between 0 and 7 is negative And 7 is neutral.

Devil Cold52

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