
Soundtrack Server (Via Server) - V3 - For PES 2021 & PES 2020

Soundtrack Server (Via Server) - V3 - For PES 2021 & PES 2020

eFootball PES 2021 UPDATE: Soundtrack Server V3 by Predator002

This update's primary goal is to integrate Highlights music and give it its own files similar to Competitions and Results. Predator002 provided 19 songs from the Soccer AM playlist since their music perfectly complemented the highlights. He also provided some highlights music for the UEFA Champions League.

Predator002 had to change some of his original triggers as some of the highlights broke them in order to play the highlight's music. He also added new triggers to the mix. This implies that even though things appear stable based on his testing, additional updated code can bring brand-new issues.

- This pack is a sider version of the soundtrack replacing the in-game soundtrack.
- Only compatible to Pes2020 & Pes2021 via Sider.
- Songs can be assigned to the following sections: -
- Main Soundtrack​
- Edit Mode​
- Competitions Menu (Generic shared across tournaments)​
- Competitions Menu (Specific to tournaments)​
- Results & League Table (Generic shared across tournaments)​
- Results & League Table (Specific to tournaments)​
- Highlights (Generic shared across tournaments)​
- Highlights (Specific to tournaments)​
- The following tournaments have music in the Menus and/or Results: -
- AFC Champions League (Results Only)​
- CONMEBOL Copa Libertadores (Menu & Results Only)​
- FIFA World Cup (Menu & Results)​
- English Premier League (Results Only)​
- French Ligue 1 (Results Only)​
- French Ligue 2 (Results Only)​
- German Bundesliga (Results Only)​
- International Champions Cup (Results Only)​
- Major League Soccer (Results Only)​
- Russian Premier League (Results Only)​
- Scottish Premier League (Results Only)​
- Spanish La Liga (Results Only)​
- Turkish Super-lig (Results Only)​
- UEFA Champions League (Menu, Results & Highlights)​
- UEFA Euro 2020 (Menu & Results)​
- UEFA Europa League (Menu & Results)​
- UEFA Nations Cup (instead of Konami Cup) (Menu & Results)​
- UEFA Super Cup (Results Only)​

General Instructions For Usage:
1. Disable all tracks within the in-game soundtrack.

2. Audio tracks must be MP3s named "Track_" and numbered sequentially in order. Eg: -

3. Folders "4_Competitions_Specific", "6_Results_Specific" & "8_Highlights_Specific" must hold folders
named by Tournament IDs that then hold tracks. Eg: -

4. All-Tournament ID named folders in "4_Competitions_Specific" must contain the same
amount of tracks. Copy and rename sequentially if a folder has less tracks. Eg: -
\content\soundtrack-server\4_Competitions_Specific\17\... 4 tracks
\content\soundtrack-server\4_Competitions_Specific\18\... 4 tracks

5. All-Tournament ID named folders in "6_Results_Specific" must contain the same
amount of tracks. Copy and rename sequentially if a folder has less tracks. Eg: -
\content\soundtrack-server\6_Results_Specific\17\... 2 tracks
\content\soundtrack-server\6_Results_Specific\18\... 2 tracks

6. All-Tournament ID named folders in "8_Highlights_Specific" must contain the same
amount of tracks. Copy and rename sequentially if a folder has less tracks. Eg: -
\content\soundtrack-server\8_Highlights_Specific\17\... 2 tracks
\content\soundtrack-server\8_Highlights_Specific\18\... 2 tracks

7. I would recommend the minimum of folders to populate, would be: -

8. Once all folders have been populated, make a note of how many tracks are in each
folder. Then open SoundtrackServer.lua with Notepad. Amend the number count next to
each of the following with the number of tracks you have in your folders. Eg I have: -
local Main_Soundtrack_MaxCount = 804
local Main_Edit_Mode_MaxCount = 0
local Main_Competitions_Generic_MaxCount = 21
local Main_Competitions_Specific_MaxCount = 18
local Main_Results_Generic_MaxCount = 40
local Main_Results_Specific_MaxCount = 1
local Main_Highlights_Generic_MaxCount = 19
local Main_Highlights_Specific_MaxCount = 10

With these points followed, you should now start to hear music in-game through the menus.

How to install
- Ensure the latest version of Sider is installed.
- Extract contents of RAR to a temp location.
- Copy contents of your temp location to Sider/content, Sider/livecpk and Sider/module.
- Edit Sider.ini in Notepad and add these new lines: -
1. Place this above all other entries in cpk.root section: -​
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\SoundtrackServer"​
2. Place this anywhere in lua.module section: -​
lua.module = "SoundtrackServer.lua"​

Password: PredPack2023

Predator002, Juce

- Please credit correctly if any content from this pack is included in any patch.
- I DO NOT endorse any content from this pack to be included in any PAID patch.

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