
PES 2021 Weather Conditions for Teams v1

PES 2021 Weather Conditions for Teams v1

Weather Conditions for Teams by datboij / Dragovic
Current version: 1.0
Minimum version of Sider required: 7.0.0 +

An actual attempt to simulate weather based on the team's location. Yes, you read that correctly: the term "Cold rainy night at Stoke" is now a reality.

Based on the team, the weather conditions will be set randomly. However, a little computation will be performed using some probability to produce more realistic weather for each team.
See "content\weather-conditions\map_teams.csv" for all probabilities and defined weather alongside team IDs​
e.g. for English teams, the weather will be rainier than in Spain :shiver:​
Fixes instances in which European matches have no weather variations. You may have observed that UCL and UEL matches were always played in clear weather.​
Values are added for all the English teams, 1st division German, Italian, French teams, and some Portuguese teams.​

Possible Bugs
Inaccurate values. However, @datboij and I have tried to retain the most correct values, but because we are not EU locals, we do not know if the weather is accurate. In this instance, we would require your assistance. Please let us know if you believe you can provide us with reliable values for your favorite clubs or home team.
The weather for the Finals venue will be determined by the home team's values. Although I believe most of the finals are played in April and May, so I don't anticipate any problems here. Just throwing it out there.

How to Install:
Download WeatherConditionsforteams
Copy folders "content" and "modules" to your sider directory and overwrite the directories. PS. stadium_server.lua is included because it is used to link weather conditions for teams.
Add the following line to your sider.ini:
lua.module = "WeatherConditionsforteams.lua" code-box

Notice: Currently the mod is compatible with VirtuaRed or SmokePatch mod. For Evo-web users, just replace the German team IDs with Evo-web IDs

Weather Conditions for Teams by datboij / Dragovic
Baris for making the weather conditions module
sanatxu for adapting the original weather conditions module for individual teams
A huge thanks to datboij for fixing a bug in sanatxu's code and providing most of the weather values

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