PES 2021 - **NEW ** League & Cup Backgrounds V2 AIO by Glad20
A simpler, minimalist, and professional version of the Menu Server. All competitions have a background as close to reality as possible, based on the 2020/2021 graphics of the different leagues. If any are not current and need updating, please let me know.
This menu server already includes MLS and J1 League.
If you not have these 2 leagues, you can replace them with your own files or delete them.
How to Install:
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\CompMenus" to your Sider.ini
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Database"
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Faces"
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Graphics"
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Kits"
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\CompMenus"
2. Copy "content & modules" folders to your Sider folder. & add the line: lua.module = "MenuServer.lua" to your sider.ini underneath CommonLib
[CommonLib should always be at the very top in order to work correctly]
lua.module = "lib\CommonLib.lua"
lua.module = "StadiumServer.lua"
lua.module = "WeatherConditions.lua"
lua.module = "KitServer.lua"
lua.module = "BallServer.lua"
lua.module = "RefKitServer.lua"
lua.module = "MenuServer.lua"
Don't forget to download and install CommonLib.lua v1.0.
Glad20Hawke || zlac - Server & JSON file edits
juce || nesa24 - Sider
shawminator - CGPE
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